The 4 ways epicFlowers and Yotpo reviews will increase your sales enables flower shops to generate more reviews for their products in a simple and effective way. 

Mail After Purchase 

Yopto will automatically email your shoppers, at a set time after purchase, to encourage them to leave reviews. Customers can leave reviews directly within the email, making the process super simple. Yopto’s in depth email analytics will help you to format your emails to maximize reviews and increase sales.





Yotpo helps you to reach new potential customers by publishing reviews directly onto your social pages. Your followers can leave comments and click on the posts to read the reviews. You choose which reviews to publish.









Yotpo provides simple tools to use your reviews to increase SEO by increasing User Generated Content. Increasing your website ranking on search engines is an amazing way to increase your website traffic and sales.





Yotpo gives flower shop-owners  in-depth analytics in order to help you understand what your customers like and what they want to see improved.



Check out the Yotpo website to learn more.